In Heaven, I Wished to be This Age


Emmanuel Lomax
Feb 19, 2024
By Stacey Koenitz on Unsplash

Back when I was younger,
I had a thought,
a thought of what age would I be stuck at
when I got to heaven.

Then I had this genius idea,
I would pray,
pray to be frozen at the age I was currently.

I took no chances I’d be stuck as an old man,
no chances it’d be a lottery,
I would lock it in,
at nineteen.

Looking back it’s obvious what would come next,
when I lost that faith,
when I lost faith in everything,
except what I could control. For myself.
I would lock it in,
at nineteen.

Then nineteen went,
Not smoothly, nor kindly
And I found myself older
None the wiser
But for the willingness
To risk being stuck an old man
On heaven’s door.



Emmanuel Lomax

Amateur writer with a love for discussion and languages. Currently learning and bettering myself. Slowly.